The majority of you reading this blog either wear hearing aids or know someone who does. By the time you’ve read this, there could be over 10,000 cases of the COVID-19 virus in New Jersey. All of us really need...
A Feast for the Ears: Supporting Your Hearing Health Through Food
March is National Nutrition Month, and that makes this an especially great time to talk about hearing wellness and nutrition. Never thought about food in relation to your ears? You’re not alone. But considering food is a critical source of...
Easy Ways to Boost Heart Health
The human body is complex. So complex, in fact, that some things you read about it might seem downright far-fetched. For example, your heart health affects your hearing health. The Heart–Hearing Link That might sound a little squirrelly, but it’s...
Making Moves — and Protecting Your Hearing, Too
Planning to bust some moves at the gym as part of your 2019 goals? You’re not alone. As a tried-and-true strategy for losing weight, feeling more fit, or simply stepping up physical activity for overall wellness, working out is a...
Does High Humidity Affect My Hearing Aids?
One of the great things about starting your better-hearing journey is that your world is more enjoyable when you can hear all those sounds you’ve been missing. That might also mean you’re getting outside more, possibly exposing your hearing devices...
5 Ways to Support Your HEARing Health
The whir of a hummingbird. The warning of an approaching ambulance. The round of laughter after your deviously funny — and deftly delivered — wedding toast. That sublime guitar riff or soulful crescendo in your favorite song. As we celebrate...
From Festivities to Feasts: 6 Tips to Hear Your Best at Parties and Dinners
There are countless ways for you to hear your best this holiday and endless events to practice at. When you find out what works best for you, you’re giving yourself the greatest gift of all: connection. Check out our six...
Are You Making the Most of Your Hearing Benefits?
It’s all too easy to get sidetracked from your health care while preparing for and celebrating the holidays — Halloween hits, and already you’re confirming December flight plans — so we want to remind you to take advantage of unused...
You Can Delay Age-Related Hearing Loss
Physical Activity Delays the Onset of Age-Related Hearing Loss Age-related hearing loss affects almost two-thirds of U.S. adults over the age of 70. It’s a result of natural changes that happen in your inner ear, middle ear, and neural pathways...
How to Listen to Music With Hearing Aids
Traditional hearing aids are designed to help those with hearing loss better hear and understand the acoustic characteristics of speech — but not so much music. In honor of Jazz Appreciation Month, celebrated during April, here are some hearing tips,...