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Understanding the Latest Findings in Hearing Health News How hearing loss affects your brain has been in the news a lot lately. For example, you might have heard about the results of a groundbreaking 2023 study about hearing loss and...
Get Ready for the Future of Hearing According to the World Health Organization, nearly 20% of the global population lives with hearing loss. That’s 1.5 billion people on the receiving end of some seriously futuristic options to help tackle their...
Expand Your Communication Skills With Sign Language Hola! Habari! Ni hao! Bonjour! Konnichiwa! So many ways to say, “Hello,” but can you say it in sign language? Over 72 million kids and adults with some level of hearing loss speak...
Feel Empowered and Connected With These Helpful Hints Communication can be challenging in everyday life. Coupled with the hustle and potential stress of the holiday season, it can feel even more overwhelming. And with nearly 1 in 5 people living...